School break is a great opportunity to catch up on books and podcasts that can make our instruction even better for our return to class.
Kim Hawgood (Lead Education Specialist) and Ramona Jafar (Education Specialist) from 3P Learning share their must listens and reads for the school break:
The Resilience Project by Hugh van Cuylenburg | Audiobook
Kim Hawgood: Hugh was a primary teacher who discovered some incredible insights into wellbeing and used those insights for himself and his students and many sporting groups around the country. Hugh now runs workshops for schools, teaching teachers and students how to use evidence-based approaches to building resilience, in order to develop mental health. It’s a great read (listen).
The Staffroom | Podcast
Kim Hawgood: I’m not a huge podcast listener, but I quite like the podcast series “The Staffroom” and particularly enjoyed the interview with Alex Quigley who wrote the fabulous Mind the Vocabulary Gap.
The Writing Book by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey | Book
Kim Hawgood: I find myself constantly drawn back to this wonderful book for creative, practical and fabulously inspiring information on teaching writing.
Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators By Elena Aguilar | Book
Ramona Jafar: Great book for these times. Discusses how to cultivate resilience as a teacher, with practical tips and tools. Provides 12 key habits for educators to practice and create collective collaborations. I really like the way the author translates teacher mental well-being into the well-being of students, schools, and communities.
Closing the Vocabulary Gap By Alex Quigley | Book
Ramona Jafar: Great, easy read. Highlights the crucial role of vocabulary and when the gap begins to happen (before kids even get to school). Gives practical advice for teachers ie how to explicitly teach a word all the way to communicate and train teachers to understand vocabulary. Explores everything vocabulary, from how many times students need to be exposed to a word to understand it, to practical steps for teachers and administrators to take for increasing vocab for all students.
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