We’re excited because one of our favourite times of the year is here – Book Week!
From 18 -24 August, children celebrate books, reading and everything that goes with them including authors, illustrators, characters and more.
We love the 2018 Book Week theme, “Find Your Treasure”, and the idea behind it – that books hold hidden treasures, discovered only when you start turning the pages. Or that books are treasures themselves.
Either way, the theme encourages exploration and discovery, and opens the opportunity for a wide range of activities to run with your class. Take a look at the Book Week activity ideas below and why not try them with your class.

Hold a scavenger hunt
This classroom scavenger hunt is a great way for children to get to know other students in their class and have some fun at the same time. They will be tasked with finding classmates who, for example, are born in the same month as them or have blue eyes.

Hunt for treasure
If you have old library books, you could host a school-wide book hunt. Place books around the school (or a designated area) and have your students search for the treasure.

Pick your Book Week parade outfit
One of the most fun things about Book Week is the parade your school might host. If you are having a parade that means students have to pick their outfits! Remind them of the Book Week theme and have them come up with ideas based on it.

Uncover new genres
The Reading Eggspress Library contains over 2500 eBooks covering a range of titles including illustrated chapter books, full-colour non-fiction books and a range of classics.
Have your students try a genre they’ve never read before. You never know, they might like it!